Transitional Homes
Founded in 1994, Prodigal Ministries operates four transitional homes in Jefferson and Oldham counties. In downtown Louisville, we have Prodigal House East and West, side by side, on Oak Street for men. Our women’s home, the McCauley House is in Crestwood and just a few miles away in Buckner, is the Wright House for men. With intention, our homes are equipped with all the comforts, safety and security that change a house into a home. We have created environments where our clients are able to get on with the business of rebuilding their lives so they can experience healing, change and finally true freedom. Each home is also a therapeutic living community, where they find safety and peace to work with professionals, staff and volunteers to change the trajectory of their lives.

Wright House
Dedicated in 2008, the Wright House in Buckner, currently has room for 10 male clients. After opening, our staff offices moved from the McCauley House to this larger home with a separate wing. Located just over the railroad tracks in the countryside of Oldham County, the men generally find nearby employment opportunities that meet or exceed their expectations. At the Wright House our men take part in Monday night House Meetings and Drug & Alcohol Counseling. Tuesdays, the parking lots fill up with volunteers bringing dinner and Bible Study to a hungry and appreciative crowd. Thursday is Malachi Dad’s night, an HR Ministries Bible Study, that enriches the lives of our clients. Prodigal strives to offer a balance of accountability, structure and freedom to make their own choices while rebuilding their lives. We bring opportunities, weave people into their lives, and offer guidance and goal setting through our Client Advocates. We are the seed planters – praying for the Lord we serve to give the increase and do what only He can do in the lives of all of our clients. There is nothing more exciting and rewarding than seeing a life redeemed, healed and whole.
Prodigal House West
Prodigal House West is a transitional home for our male clients on Oak Street, in an under-served area of downtown Louisville, is right next door to PHE. Our clients arrive here (and to the Wright & McCauley Houses) directly from prison with the one outfit they are given — usually a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants, white tennis shoes and their photographs and papers in a black garbage bag. Prodigal is able to provide them with a safe, comfortable home along with necessities such as: linens, towels, pillows, hygiene items, clothing, a Kroger card a TARC pass and many other needs and wants. With the humblest of beginnings, their journey begins… This is their chance, their divine opportunity, to make their life the life they have been longing for. Everyday is a second chance. This is amazing grace.

Prodigal House East
Prodigal House East is a transitional home for men on Oak Street in an under-served area of downtown Louisville. This home has typically been a step-up for our men who have graduated through several stages of our initial program while living in Prodigal House West. At this point, our clients have proven to be accountable and responsible in their daily lives. They regularly attend our weekly in-house Drug and Alcohol Counseling at PHW, House Meetings, and MRT – Moral Reconation Therapy. They are living a clean & sober lifestyle, paying their bills, saving money for their future, and becoming the men they have always wanted to be. One day at a time.
McCauley House
The McCauley House is our transitional home for women located in Crestwood, Kentucky. At any one time, we are able to house up to six women here in the heart of Crestwood. Opening in September 2005, the McCauley House is a beautiful historical home that has been lovingly redecorated by generous and talented volunteers in 2019. Our ladies have their House Meeting and Mentoring on Monday evenings; Faith & Life skills on Tuesday evenings; Drug & Alcohol Counseling on Wednesday evenings; and Rubies For Life on Thursday evenings. Like our male clients, our ladies stay busy rebuilding their lives, mending broken relationships, creating new ones, embracing their freedom, staying clean & sober and attending our programs for healing and growth. She is not broken anymore, she’s stronger, wiser, and more beautiful than before because God took her broken pieces and made her new again.